"In 1968, I was seven years old when one of my uncles came to visit. His first concern was his Lucha Libre. He couldn't relax till we had rigged up the old black- and-white, needs-a-coat-hanger-for-an- antenna TV, with a cracked dial from our Thanksgiving Day car accident.
After much adjusting of the coat hanger, he sighed with happiness and sat down with me on his lap to watch his favorite, Mil Mascaras. For the next hour, my uncle explained to me who was who in Mexican wrestling, the moves, the rules, and why it was so great. I was hooked."
"In 1968, I was seven years old when one of my uncles came to visit. His first concern was his Lucha Libre. He couldn't relax till we had rigged up the old black- and-white, needs-a-coat-hanger-for-an- antenna TV, with a cracked dial from our Thanksgiving Day car accident.
After much adjusting of the coat hanger, he sighed with happiness and sat down with me on his lap to watch his favorite, Mil Mascaras. For the next hour, my uncle explained to me who was who in Mexican wrestling, the moves, the rules, and why it was so great. I was hooked."
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